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Frances GoodmanJorge MayetEric van HoveMay 1 - July 13, 2019

Delicate Industry

RICHARD TAITTINGER GALLERY is pleased to present Delicate Industry, a group show which highlights the work of Frances Goodman, Jorge Mayet, Pascale Marthine Tayou, and Eric Van Hove.

Each of these artists is a maker. Their intricate work belays the vulnerability in creation. Each of these artists works with delicate materials, whether it be sequins, blackboard chalk, thin copper wire, or camel bone. The verso of Goodman’s sequin paintings, for example, reveal the hand fabrication of each individually stitched sequin. Goodman works with a collective of women in South Africa to produce these detailed and delicate works. The vulnerability in the artistic practice is mitigated by the collective engagement of the collaborative process. The industriousness of each of these artists is apparent in the attention to detail of their works. Their creative process involves community and collaboration, this is perhaps best exemplified in Van Hove’s decision to have names of each of his collaborators engraved on his work.

Delicate Industry takes a magnified look at the details of the work of four diverse artists whose practice is connected through the process of making. They each create art that finds strength in the fragility of material and attention to detail in production. Bringing their work together allows their exploration of form, of themes such as masculinity, femininity, and globalization, to create unexpected conversations about vulnerability, fragility, as well as strength.

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Featured Artist(s)

Frances Goodman

Jorge Mayet’s sculptures and installations draw from his experiences living as a Cuban exile in Spain. Suspended in midair, his photorealistic floating landscapes and uprooted trees offer ethereal, dream-like visions of his homeland. The exposed roots of the trees serve...

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Born in 1975, in Guelma, Algeria, Eric van Hove spent his formative years in Yaounde, Cameroon. He holds a B.A. from École de Recherche Graphique, Brussels, Belgium, and advanced degrees from Tokyo Gakudei University, Tokyo, Japan. His practice cuts across a...

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